Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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PelAC statement for the meeting between ACs and the Commission – 3 December 2024 2024 Statement
PelAC invitation to Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans

The PelAC invited the new Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans, Mr. Costas Kadis, to join the PelAC Executive Committee meeting on 3 April 2025.

2024 Letter to COM
Joint NWWAC/PelAC submission on the Ecological Sensitivity Analysis Celtic Sea 2024 Letter to Irish Minister
Joint ACs Congratulatory letter on the parliamentary approval of the Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans

The eleven Advisory Councils congratulated Commissioner-designate Kadis on his recent parliamentary approval as Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans.

2024 Letter to COM Attachment: Brochure ACs
PelAC letter – Update of the Southern horse mackerel Long Term Management Plan

The PelAC believes that developing an update multiannual management strategy for the Southern horse mackerel must be prioritised and recommended that the Commission submit a request to ICES to have the updated PelAC LTMS undergo a Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE).

2024 Letter to COM
PelAC letter – Follow up on the implementation of the revised control regulation

The PelAC congratulated Mr Broche on his appointment as Head of Unit D4, Fisheries Control and Inspections and requested the organisation of a pelagic-specific workshop.

The PelAC also emphasized the importance of including Advisory Counsils in other implementations fora.

2024 Letter to COM
Joint LDAC-NWWAC-PelAC-SWWAC recommendations on Deep-Sea mining and its impacts on fisheries

The LDAC, NWWAC, PelAC and SWWAC reaffirmed in these recommendations that if there is insufficient evidence to determine the full impact of deep-sea mining (DSM) on the marine environment and unless it can be proven that no marine biodiversity loss nor degradation of marine  ecosystems are the result of these activities, a moratorium or total prohibition on exploitation of deep-sea minerals should be implemented.

The ACs expressed their strong support for the EU Commission’s reaffirming its position to advocate to prohibit deep-sea mining until robust scientific evidence can demenstrate that it will not negatively impact marine ecosystems of jeopardise the livelihoods of those who depend on the sea, including fisheries.

2024 Letter to COM
Joint-AC Advice on Stakeholder Engagement in ICES Advice request formulation

The NSAC, LDAC, PelAC, NWWAC, SWWAC and BSAC jointly sent a letter to the Commission to request that the EU as the requester of scientific advice to ICES establishes a mechanism for early signalling of advice requests and a process for engagement in scientific advice request formulation in a structured step-by-step approach, by initially focusing on special advice and potentially moving to recurring advice in the future. Enhanced transparency and information-sharing with Advisory Councils could be the first step, eventually developing into a systematic consultation with the relevant Advisory Councils.

2024 Letter to COM Response from COM
PelAC letter on Fish Welfare in Pelagic Fisheries

The PelAC informed the Commission that it is taking steps to address fish welfare in pelagic fisheries. Members of the PelAC, both from industry and the other interest groups are actively involved in ongoing work in this area.

The PelAC requested to be consulted on any process regarding the issue of fish welfare in pelagic fisheries.

2024 Letter to COM
PelAC recommendation on the preparation for the Benchmark on Northeast Atlantic Mackerel – March 2025

The PelAC submitted in annex the detaild report of the PelAC FG meeting on Northeast Atlantic Mackerel (12 Sept 2024) , which summarized the discussions on preparing for the ICES data call scheduled for the end of 2024.

The PelAC emphasized the importance of ensuring high-quality ICES advice on mackerel and the need to further investigate stock assessement.

2024 Letter to Com

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