Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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Changes to western horse mackerel LTMP

The Pelagic RAC suggests two changes to the long-term management plan for western horse mackerel.

2009 0910PRAC08 Recommendation on horse mackerel plan 0910ref06 Reply EC on LTM horse mackerel
Reform of CFP control system 2008 0823 Recommendation to EC on reform control Reply EC 20080609 CFP reform Control
Policy statement 2008 0732 Reply to EC on fishing opportunities 08 Reply EC 20071106 Policy statement
Blue whiting longterm management plan 2008 0819 Letter to M Vinther ltm blue whiting 0829 Letter to EC ltm blue whiting Reply EC 20080310 LTM Blue Whiting
Fishing opportunities herring stocks 2008 2008 0731 Recomm Sep 2007
Horse mackerel area alignment and sprat 2008 0-0848 Recommendation to EC on horse mackerel and sprat 0809ref07 Reply EC on horse mackerel sprat and shared stocks
Technical conservation measures 2008 0809PRAC12 Recommendation TCM regulation 0809ref10 Reply EC on TCM
Policy statement on fishing opportunities 2008 0838 Letter to EC on policy statement document Reply EC 20081021 fishing opportunities 09
Discards non-paper 2008 0827 Letter in response to discards non-paper Reply EC 20080829 Discards
TACs mackerel and herring stocks 2008 0809PRAC02 Recommendations herring and mackerel stocks 0809ref03 Reply EC on herring mackerel douglas

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