Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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Clarification on blue whiting Fmsy

The Pelagic AC requests clarfication from the European Commission on questioning the Fmsy value presented by ICES for blue whiting.

2015 1415PAC78 blue whiting Fmsy 1415ref21 Blue whiting Coastal States request 1415ref21 Blue whiting Fmsy
Discard plans

This letter presents a reaction to the consultation process by the Member States regional groups on the development of discard plans.

2014 1415 PAC 01 discard plans 1415ref10 Response EC on discard plans

In this letter to the European Commission the Pelagic AC asks for clarification regarding the possibility to directly access EMFF funding for pilot projects and studies to be carried out within Advisory Councils.

2014 1415PAC56 EMFF 1415ref11 Response EC on EMFF
Herring benchmark 2015

In this letter to ICES the chairman of Working Group II raises a number of issues that should be dealt with at the herring benchmark in 2015.

2014 1415PAC23 Herring benchmark 2015 1415ref05 Benchmark Invitation 1415ref19 ICES reply WKWEST
Herring spawning grounds

The Pelagic AC requests clarification from the European Commission on how it can access direct EMFF funding for carrying out the necessary work to map herring spawning grounds in collaboration with ICES.

2014 1415 PAC 61 herring spawning grounds 1415ref14 herring spawning grounds
Commission proposal amendments to the Delegated Act on functioning of ACs

The Pelagic AC submitted a response to the revisions put forward by the Commission at the inter-AC meeting on May 5th proposing classification criteria for potential members in one of the two stakeholder categories, as well as a proposed advice template document for AC advice to the Commission. With regard to the proposed advice template document, the Pelagic AC had requested that a certain degree of flexibility would remain possible. The PelAC also remarked on the over-emphasis of minority statements in the template, which should be avoided. The Pelagic AC finally suggested additional phrasing in the proposed criteria for the classification of new members in the appropriate stakeholder categories, to remove ambiguity in the event that other economic users of the sea than the fisheries value chain would consider AC membership in the future.

The PelAC recognises the Commission’s consideration and uptake of our suggestions provided in this submission in relation to this revision, and is pleased that these main comments are well reflected in the final proposal.

2021 2021PAC62 Letter to COM comments on amendments Delegated Act funct ACs
Comments on draft discard plan for the North Sea

Comments on draft discard plan for the North Sea and the consultation process.

2014 1314PRAC141 discard plans NS 1314ref23 PRAC discard recom (Scheveningen)
Autonomous TAC setting in mackerel fishery

The Pelagic RAC urges the Commission to resolve the conflict of autonomously setting TACs for Northeast Atlantic mackerel.

2010 1011PRAC01 Continued distressing mackerel situation 1011ref01 Response Commissioner Damanaki mackerel situation
New information on North Sea herring stock

The Pelagic RAC addresses the upwards re-estimation of the North Sea herring stock biomass and consequential lower realized fishing mortality.

2010 0910PRAC67 New information on NS herring stock status 0910ref19 Reply on NS herring stock status
Fishing opportunities for joint pelagic stocks in 2010

The Pelagic RAC advises on fishing opportunities for 2010 for pelagic stocks shared with Third countries.

2009 0910PRAC09 Recommendations on pelagic stocks 0910ref14 Reply EC on fishing opp 2010 joint pelagic stocks

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