Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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Memorandum of Understanding with ICES 2006 0607 Recommendation to EC on MoU ICES Reply EC 20061006 to NWW PRAC MoU ICES
North Sea herring scenarios 2006 0611 EC North sea herring 14 july 06 Reply ICES 7 Sep 2006
Management plan herring VIa North 2006 0616 Recommendation to EC on mp Herring VIa North Reply EC 20070222 herring VIa
Pelagic stock advice (TACs) 2006 0626 Recommendations October 2006 0630 Recommendations November 2006 Reply EC 20061130 TACs 2007 herring stocks
Technical measures 2006 0632 Technical Measures Reply EC 20070522 technical measures
LTMP for WBSS herring

The Pelagic RAC presents key elements for a LTMP for WBSS herring, based on discussions held in the context of the JAKFISH research project.

2010 0910PRAC77 Recommendation on WBSS herring LTM plan 1011ref03 MP Wester Baltic Spring Spawnin herring
Policy statement on fishing opportunities in 2011

The Pelagic RAC responds to a document published by the Commission regarding fishing opportunities in 2011.

2010 0910PRAC82 Response to policy statement document 20100518 - Policy statement TACs 2011 - Final - EN
Objection against Faroese MSC certification of mackerel fishery

The Pelagic RAC objects the MSC certification of the Faroese mackerel fishery, because the Faroe Islands withdraw from the international management agreement which poses a threat to the sustainable exploitation of this stock.

2010 0910PRAC84 Objection Faroese MSC certification
Incidental catches of seabirds

The Pelagic RAC responds to a consultation launched by the Commission on seabird by-catches in fishing operations.

2010 0910PRAC87 Incidental catches of seabirds (1) 0910PRAC87 Incidental catches of seabirds 1011ref04 Reply EC Reducing incidental catches of seabirds
Revision of North Sea herring TAC

The Pelagic RAC recommends an in-year revision of the North Sea herring TAC.

2010 1011PRAC02 Request for revision of NS herring TAC 1011PRAC26 In-year revision of NS herring TAC 1011ref02 Reply EC on North Sea herring stock

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