Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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Revised draft management strategy for Northeast Atlantic boarfish

The Pelagic AC proposes a revised draft management strategy for Northeast Atlantic boarfish to align the strategy with the ICES categories.

2015 1415PAC 151 Revised management strategy boarfish 1516ref 06 EC reply CS herring and boarfish
Consultation on fishing opportunities 2016

The Pelagic AC comments on the Commission consultation on fishing opportunities in 2016.

2015 1516PAC 01 Consult fish opport COM(2015) 239 final annexes COM(2015) 239 final
Recommendations on fishing opportunities 2016

The Pelagic AC presents its recommendations on fishing opportunities in 2016 and other management measures for the stocks in its remit.

2015 1516PAC10 fishing opportunities 2016 1516PAC11 correction fishing opportunities 2016
Response to recommendations of the NWW control expert group

This document lists the Pelagic AC’s comments to the control recommendations issued by the control experts of the North West Waters regional group.

2015 1516PAC12 Recommendations on control of LO
Recommendations on control of the landing obligation

This document lists the Pelagic AC’s comments to the control recommendations issued by the control experts of the Scheveningen group as well as experiences with the landing obligation to date.

2016 1516PAC16 Recommendations on control of LO (NS)v2 1516ref05 request for advice on control (Scheveningen)
Proposed amendments to the pelagic discard plan in the North Western Waters

The Pelagic AC proposes amendments to the discard plan in the North Western Waters based on experiences with the landing obligation.

2016 1516PAC71 proposed amendments discard plan NWW
Proposed amendments to the pelagic discard plan in the North Sea

The Pelagic AC proposes amendments to the discard plan in the North Sea based on experiences with the landing obligation.

2016 1516PAC70 proposed amendments discard plan NS
Implementation of boarfish closures

The Pelagic AC recommends that the North Western Waters regional group includes the temporal-spatial closures as foreseen in the boarfish management strategy developed by the Pelagic AC in the pelagic discard plan for North Western Waters.

2016 1516PAC72 implementation of boarfish closures
Consultation on fishing opportunities 2017

The Pelagic AC provides comments on the Commission’s consultation document on fishing opportunities in 2017.

2016 1617 PAC01 Consult fish opport 2017 Fishing opportunities 2017 annex Fishing opportunities 2017
Fishing opportunities 2017

The Pelagic AC provides recommendations on TACs and other short-term management measures for all stocks under its remit.

2016 1617PAC10 fishing opportunities 2017

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