Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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NWWAC/PelAC call for increased policy coherence between environment and fisheries dimensions

The NWWAC and PelAC joined in this call for increased policy coherence between environment and fisheries dimensions. They recommend that mechanisms must be put in place to ensure that direct and indirect cumulative environmental effects of activities of the Blue Economy do not add to the pressure from climate change on the ocean or adversely impact one specific sector, for example fisheries, their value chains, and on-shore activities.

They also recommend that regular coordination between expert groups (MSFD Group, Marine Expert Group, etc) is essential for the Blue Economy to become truly sustainable from an environmental, economic and social perspective, but they should also taking into consideration cultural and heritage aspects.


2024 Letter to Com Commission response
Multi-AC letter “Fishers of the Future” EU-wide participatory foresight project

The PelAC joined the multi-AC letter and expressed their support of the “Fishers of the Future” initiative, but that doubts have been raised in relation to the methodology developed by the project consultants as well as the results of a survey of fishers carried out as part of the project as presented at the workshop held on 19 March.

The participated ACs feel it is essential that the diversity of the entire EU fleet is considered and represented in this important project, ensuring the relevance, and added value of the results.

2024 Letter to Com Commission response
NWWAC/PelAC Invitation for detailed exchange on the Control Regulation

The NWWAC and PelAC jointely invited the Commission for a more detailed exchange on the new Control Regulation and suggested to hold a joint workshop later in 2024 specifically focussing on the implementation, as well as clarification regarding the timelines for the delegated and implementing acts and the consultation process envisaged by the Commission on these acts for the Advisory Councils.

2024 Letter to COM Commission response
PelAC letter on concerns over absence of consultation of PelAC under article 13(2)

With this letter the PelAC responded to the reply received from the Commission on the PelAC letter on the emergency measures taken by France to limit cetacean by-catches in the Bay of Biscay. The PelAC, once more, wanted to draw the attention of the Commission to the fact that there was no consultation of relevant Advisory Councils on the planned measures.

2024 Letter to COM Commission response
NWWAC/PelAC recommendation on sprat in the English Channel

The NWWAC and PelAC have submitted their joint recommendation on sprat in the English Channel. The recommendation included  that the TAC is set according to the ICES advice, to incorporate ecosystem-based consideration in the management and assessment, to carry out the work on stock-ID as a matter of priority and to have the current sprat management evaluated by ICES.

2024 Letter to COM Commission response
PelAC Letter on concerns regarding participation of the Advisory Councils in the process of adopting a delegated act under EU Regulation 2023/2842

The PelAC expressed concerns regarding the process of defining the implementing act to be published by 10 July 2024 that will list the ports which comply with the rules on conditions pertaining to the landing and weighing of catches of fisheries under EU Regulation 2024/2842 regarding fisheries control.

2024 Letter to COM
PelAC letter on concerns regarding NEA Mackerel Stock Components and EU Regulation 2019/1241

The Pelagic Advisory Council (PelAC) expressed their concerns regarding the findings detailed in the report published in March on the 2023 meeting of the workshop on the evaluation of North East Atlantic Mackerel stock components (WKEVALMAC), with outputs already included in the ICES stock advice for 2024.

2024 Letter to Com
PelAC letter on Consultation on emergency measures FR for cetacean bycatch in Bay of Biscay

On 18 January 2024, a French decree establishing the same spatial-temporal bycatch protection measures was published, and concerns all the EU fishing fleets. This decree makes reference to having consulted the relevant Advisory Councils. The PelAC hereby formally reacts on the procedure regarding this issue.

2024 Letter to Com Commission Response
Joint-AC letter on ACs stakeholder input

The Advisory Councils (ACs) thank the Commission for the increased frequency of Inter-AC meetings as well as production of written minutes and ensuring high-level Commission participation. This enhances the visibility and recognition of the important role of the ACs.
With this letter they wish to collectively share their thoughts on how to further improve the active engagement between the Commission and the ACs.

2023 Letter to Com Commission response
PelAC call for urgent planning of inter-benchmark meeting for horse mackerel

Following earlier PelAC recommendations the PelAC requests the Commission’s support in expediting the ICES inter-benchmark meeting that is jointly dedicated to the three horse mackerel stocks.

2023 Letter to Com Commission Response

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