Advice and Recommendations

The Pelagic AC provides credible, scientific, and consensus-based advice to inform pelagic fisheries policy, both upon the request of the European Commission and Member States, and on its own initiative. All advice and recommendations are developed and approved by the members of the Pelagic AC. 

Our advice — and responses to it — may be accessed below.

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Annual report on the implementation of the landing obligation

The Commission requests information on the implementation of the landing obligation.

2016 1617ref09 Annual report implemenation on LO
Scheveningen Group work program 2017

Work programm of the Scheveningen Group for 2017

2016 1617PAC 26 Scheveningen Group work program 1617ref06 Schev Gr work progr 2017 cover letter 1617ref06 Scheveningen Gr Work progr 2017
Lack of stakeholder consultation by the South Western Waters regional group

This letter represents a formal complaint to the South Western Waters regional group on their lack of consultation of the PELAC in regards to revising the pelagic discard plan in the South Western Waters. A copy of the letter has also been sent to the European Commission.

2016 1516PAC86 Stakeholder consultation under the CFP 1516ref12 Response SWW group lack of stakeholder consultation
Letter to ICES

The Pelagic AC proposes stakeholder consultations before and after ICES working group meetings to better integrate stakeholder’s knowledge.

2015 1415PAC76 stakeholder meeting ICES 1415ref17 ICES response stakeholder meeting ICES

In this letter the Pelagic AC reminds Member States of the EMFF provision for funding research projects carried out within Advisory Councils.

2015 1415PAC64 EMFF Denmark 1415ref12 EMFF Germany 1415ref18 EMFF Spain 1415ref23 respose EMFF Sweden
Memorandum of Understanding between the Pelagic AC and the Member States

The Pelagic AC has drafted a Memorandum of Understanding setting out principles of collaboration for future work under the CFP.

2015 1415PAC128 MoU Denmark 1415ref20 Response MoU UK 1415ref22 NWW MS response to MoU 1415ref24 Response Scheveningen Group MoU 1415ref26 Reponse MoU and MCE meeting SWW group MOU North West Waters Group MoU PELAC MS draft MoU South West Waters Group
Questions on Northeast Atlantic mackerel

The Pelagic AC asks for expert opinion on reasons for observed decreased weights at age, early spawning and late maturation in Northeast Atlantic mackerel, as well as the role of density dependent effects, managing exploitation in large stock scenarios and definitions for short, medium and long term.

2015 1415PAC140 Questions on mackerel
Meeting request on monitoring, control and enforcement

The Pelagic AC requests a meeting with the high-level group of the North Sea, North Western Waters and South Western Waters regional groups to discuss monitoring, control and enforcement.

2015 1415PAC143 Meeting request on MCE 1415PAC144 Meeting request on MCE 1415PAC145 Meeting request on MCE 1415ref26 Reponse MoU and MCE meeting SWW group 1516PAC 04 Response to NWW group 1516ref01 Control and enforcement in NWW (Mrs Mossink)
Meeting between ICES and Advisory Councils

The Pelagic AC suggests to hold a dedicated yearly meeting between ICES and the Advisory Councils, similar to the previous MIRAC meeting.

2015 1415PAC138 Meeting ICES ACs
Setting of reference points

In this joint letter the Pelagic and Baltic Sea AC express their concern regarding the recent decision to change reference points outside the expert groups that usually calculate reference points.

2015 1415PAC141 Setting of reference points 1516ref03 Setting of reference points

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