Legal Disclaimer & Privacy

Legal Disclaimer

While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the Pelagic AC does not accept responsibility for errors or omissions represented on this website or in any linked resources. Neither the Pelagic AC, the European Commission, nor any third parties who may provide information to the Pelagic AC for dissemination purposes shall have any responsibility for, or be liable in respect of, the content or accuracy of the information so provided, or for any errors or omissions therein. The Pelagic AC reserves the right to revise, amend, alter or delete the information provided herein at any time, but shall not be responsible for, or liable in respect of, any such revisions, amendments, alterations or deletions.

Privacy Policy

Pelagic AC privacy statement for processing of personal data.

1. Context

As the Pelagic AC collects and processes personal data, the Pelagic AC is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Commission’s requirement to protect individuals with regards to the processing of personal data by community institutions and bodies, as well as the free movement of such data. Processing operations are the responsibility of the Pelagic AC Secretariat.

2. What personal information do we collect, for what purpose, and under which legal bases?

Types of personal data

  • Name, including title and function
  • Contact details


  • Contact databases
  • Event invitations
  • Participant lists at meetings
  • Capturing member contributions in meeting minutes
  • Distribution of minutes and other documents

3. Who has access to your personal data and to whom is it disclosed?

For the purposes outlined above, access to your personal data is given to the Pelagic AC Secretariat.

  • A small amount of information is shared publicly on the Pelagic AC website: Names and institutions of General Assembly, Executive Committee, and Working Group members
  • Minutes of Pelagic AC meetings

4. How do we protect and safeguard your information?

All paper documents containing personal data are physically stored in a locked cupboard in the office of the Secretariat. The key is kept by the Secretariat in a hidden place. The information published on the Pelagic AC website is stored on servers.

5. How can you verify, modify or delete your information?

You can verify, modify or delete your information by contacting the Pelagic AC Secretariat via email (

6. How long do we keep your personal data?

Paper documents:

  • All paper documents will be kept for seven years.

Information published on the website:

  • The list of names for General Assembly, Executive Committee, and Working Group members will be kept up to date, with the details of parting members removed periodically.
  • The minutes of Pelagic AC meetings have been published on the website of the Pelagic AC since 2005, and will continue to be accessible via the website.

7. Contact information

For any questions related to personal data, and your rights regarding it, please contact the Secretariat.


Postal address:
Pelagic Advisory Council
Louis Braillelaan 80
2719 EK Zoetermeer
The Netherlands

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